I am currently working as an AR Product Designer at Snap and the co-founder of EyeDream Interactive (a Media Art and Tech studio). Previously, I was the Product Design Lead at D2 Nova. I hold a MS degree from the UC Santa Barbara in Media Arts and Technology and a BA degree from Shanghai Tongji University in Advertising.
I have a deep passion for pushing the boundaries of human-computer interaction, exploring the uncharted territories of both virtual and physical interfaces. Through my AR/VR designs and art practices, my ultimate goal is to not only enhance the connections between individuals but also to amplify empathy towards other species and our environment.
My works and publications are featured at worldwide conferences and art festivals, including SIGGRAPH (Los Angeles), CURRENTS New Media (Santa Fe), International Symposium on Electronic Art (Gwangju, Korea), Geneva International Film Festival, etc.
“Reincarnation: Virtual Reality Recreation of Surrealist Paintings”
Jing Yan, Mengyu Chen - SIGGRAPH 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA
“Biometric Visceral Interface: A Soft Robotic Immersive System for Extended Perception”
Mengyu Chen, Jing Yan, Yin Yu - ISEA 2019, Gwangju, South Korea
“Biometric Perception Interface: A Multisensory Soft Robotic Agent for Affective Social Interaction”
Mengyu Chen, Jing Yan, Yin Yu - HAID 2019, Lille, France
“Reincarnation: Virtual Reality Recreation of Surrealist Paintings”
SIGGRAPH 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Exhibitions & Conferences
2020 —
Reincarnation, BAM Teknopolis, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY
2019 —
Reincarnation, Geneva International Film Festival, Geneva, Switzerland
Reincarnation, SIGGRAPH 2019 Immersive Pavilion, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Biometric Visceral Interface, International Symposium on Electronic Art, Gwangju, South Korea
Reincarnation, CURRENTS New Media, Santa Fe, NM, USA
Biometric Visceral Interface, MADE, California NanoSystems Institute, Santa Barbara, CA
Biometric Perception Interface, Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, Lille, France
2016 — 2018
Biometric Perception Interface, Invisible Machine, California NanoSystems Institute, Santa Barbara, CA
OpenPOT, Re-habituation, California NanoSystems Institute, Santa Barbara, CA
Inner, White Noise, California NanoSystems Institute, Santa Barbara, CA
Black Star, Computation & Expression, Art, Design & Architecture Museum, Santa Barbara, CA